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Avaliações Clientes

Veja o que nossos alunos dizem sobre o curso oferecido.

O curso de brigada de incêndio foi essencial para minha equipe. Recomendo!

Lucas Silva
Firefighters in full gear are standing on a city street, each carrying equipment including air tanks and helmets. Their focus appears to be on a task ahead, possibly responding to an emergency. A fire truck is parked nearby, and other vehicles line the street. The scene is set in an urban environment with trees and a building canopy visible.
Firefighters in full gear are standing on a city street, each carrying equipment including air tanks and helmets. Their focus appears to be on a task ahead, possibly responding to an emergency. A fire truck is parked nearby, and other vehicles line the street. The scene is set in an urban environment with trees and a building canopy visible.

Ribeirão Preto

A formação em primeiros socorros e combate a incêndios foi muito útil. Agradeço a Brigada Ribeirão pela excelente capacitação e suporte durante o curso.

Firefighters in protective gear are operating near a fire truck, handling hoses. The scene is set on a road adjacent to a building, with smoke visible in the background. A fence and a few trees are also present.
Firefighters in protective gear are operating near a fire truck, handling hoses. The scene is set on a road adjacent to a building, with smoke visible in the background. A fence and a few trees are also present.
Maria Souza

São Paulo
